Monday, 15 February 2021

Updated fine art statement











Centre Name

Cardinal-Heenan Sixth Form

Centre Number
















Candidate Name

Farai Jr Mavhunga

Candidate Number
















Circle your entered title

Art, Craft & Design

Fine Art

Critical & Contextual Studies

Textile Design

Graphic Comm.

3D Design





Complete and submit the learner statement with your work as it will be referred to when it is assessed.  To place your submission in a suitable context, use the template below:

Explain the MAIN IDEA(S) for the development of your responses

My main idea for this project is to focus on graffiti style art and express it in a style that shows what I’m about.

If I make the project about me it broadens the different possibilities that I am able to explore and leaves more room for me to express myself in various ways with art. I am looking to explore digital art and to broaden my knowledge on graffiti. I also plan on exploring what I can do in correlation to the cultural aspects of my life. I hope to engage with the strongest relationships I have in my life by incorporating my friends and family in my art. I hope to expand on my skill with the Adobe Software and enhance my digital creativity.

Outline your PLAN(S) for the development of your work

First I would need to research different graffiti artists to strengthen my knowledge on the graffiti spectrum in general. I would then move on to organic pencil drawings to show my initial drawing skill. I plan on working on a multiple range of pencil drawings at first before moving to the digital side of things. I intend on trying to use Photoshop to manipulate pictures that I’ve taken to resemble the work of the graffiti artist that I had done some research on. This will then lead me to exploring digital drawings and starting them out by doing some drawings on Adobe Illustrator. I will hope to expand my skill level of digital drawings before moving on to creating something more advanced. I plan on using the tools that I have to hopefully create that playful element that graffiti always has to it. As I move forward I aim to grow in my creativity so hopefully I will work on some physical pieces and use different tools such as paint to enhance the graphical feel of my artwork.

Describe the CONTEXT (influences, purposes and meanings) of your work

The work that I create is greatly inspired by the fact that I am more drawn to cartoony type of art rather than the serious aesthetic that multiple artists try to create. I am also a huge advocate for colourful pieces and colourful pieces inspire me to create something just as bizarre. I am also drawn to collages so I will be hoping to combine a few of the digital drawings that I create and put them altogether in one piece.

In terms of meaning my project is going to be about me and certain relationships I have that are prominent in my everyday life. This project should have all the external elements of graffiti but internally it should revolve directly around me. This is supposed dive in deeper about who I am and also give a brief education in regards of my background.

REFLECT on your work critically as it progresses and on its completion



Candidate Name (Printed)


Candidate Signature















WJEC may select your work for use in teaching and learning resources published on the WJEC public website.  Your name would be removed from your work before we use it.  All materials are reviewed regularly and are removed when no longer relevant to our qualifications.


You understand that this agreement may be terminated at any time through written request.  You must be over 16 to provide consent otherwise permission must be given by your parent / guardian.


You may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting WJEC on  Please include the title of the work, the year of assessment, centre name and number, candidate name and the unit in the communication.  It would also be helpful if you could provide a link to the work.  WJEC will then ensure the work is removed from the public website.


For further details about how we process your data please read WJEC's privacy notice.


If you prefer that WJEC does not use your work in this way, please tick here:


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Candidate name:



Candidate No:


















Candidate Signature:








Final Outcome

  This is my final outcome and the piece that showcased the skills that I have developed throughout this investigation. I created a canvas u...